星期三, 4月 24, 2019

Quick Start: Selenium Grid

How can we create a Selenium Grid Environment quickly? If you have docker-compose already, just refer this, save as docker-compose.yml, and run "docker-compose up -d" to start it. That's all.

How to prove it worked? we need:
  • selenese-runner.jar download from here
  • check your docker host ip address like "ip addr | grep docker0"
  • any workable side file
If selenese-runner.jar and my.side in the current directory, start another docker container:
  • docker run --rm -v "$PWD":/usr/src/myapp -w /usr/src/myapp openjdk java -jar selenese-runner.jar --driver remote --remote-url http://<DOCKER_HOST_IP>:4444/wd/hub --remote-browser <BROWSER> <WORKABLE.side>
<BROWSER> can be chrome or firefox.

星期二, 4月 16, 2019

CentOS7, Firewalld and Docker

In the past, I always stop firewalld for Docker. But it's not secured. According to this, if we update firewalld version to can fix this, or running these command:
  • nmcli connection modify docker0 connection.zone trusted
  • systemctl stop NetworkManager.service
  • firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=trusted --change-interface=docker0
  • systemctl start NetworkManager.service
  • nmcli connection modify docker0 connection.zone trusted
  • systemctl restart docker.service

星期四, 4月 11, 2019

Jenkins fake warning about Subversion

If a Jenkins job correspond to Subversion, when checking config, maybe you will see this warning:
  • Unable to access the repository
Don't worry, this could be a fake warning, if you check Jenkins log and found something like:
  • SEVERE hudson.scm.SubversionSCM$ModuleLocation$DescriptorImpl checkCredentialsId
  • svn: E200015: Authentication cancelled